Our Team

Kelly Ehler, CPA, CA, TEP
Founder / CEO
Kelly has followed the philosophy of lifelong learning. He obtained his CA (now CPA) while working at Price Waterhouse. Since then he obtained his insurance licence and just recently earned the TEP designation. He’s a member of STEP, the Canadian Tax Foundation and the CICA. His career has covered many industries both Canadian and international, including banking, real estate, retail, hedge fund, general tax, insurance and estate planning. As evidence of his education philosophy he has completed all three levels of the CICA in-depth tax program, CPA tax residency programs for the owner manager and the income tax practice course. To obtain the TEP (Trust Estate Planning) designation he went through the full program writing all four exams and is a regular participant of their seminars. Education and continual learning is a passion and the reason for establishing sophicu.