Seminars and panels qualify for professional development hours. Our price point is affordable, gives you the professional development hours you need and provides an opportunity to grow your business.
Seminar format will vary depending on topic. Panels will typically be one to one and a half hours. Seminars will be two hours followed by panels or three hours without panels. The time slot will be afternoons, end of day to allow an opportunity for post session networking.
Panel discussions will cover topics relevant to the clients we serve.
Traditional seminar / virtual events to update you and provide insightful information relevant to your practice.
Presenters: Experienced professionals, including CPA, CA’s, Lawyers, Financial advisors.
Sample of Past Presentations:
PHSP or Private Health Service Plan
Eligibility for CGE (90% Test, 24 Month Test, and 50% Test
Anti-Slacking Rule
Kiddie Tax
Anti-Avoidance Rules
Good vs. Bad Structure
PHSP or Private Health Service Plan
Where is it in the income tax act?
How does it fit the definition of insurance?
What does “risk” mean to the employer and the employee?
How does it compare to traditional benefit plans and are there tax consequences to this? (Discuss employment classes, Dependant definition, and Shareholder vs. Employee)
What medical expenses are covered?
Who administers or runs plan?
Estate Planning / Trusts
Trust return preparation
Post mortem planning
Valuation, taxable benefit rules
Estate freeze, use of family trust, succession planning
Capital gains exemption planning
Estate administration
Life insurance